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  4. Уиски Глен Морей Пийтед 0.7л.

Уиски Глен Морей Пийтед 0.7л.

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Art. # 2289

Характерните за Glen Moray вкусове на ванилия и дъб се срещат с аромат на торфен дим. Резултатът е едно наистина различно уиски с дълбочина на характера.

АРОМАТ: Слоеве торф на фона на ванилия с нотки на кожа

ЦВЯТ: Скрит зад деликатно злато дим

ВКУС: Торфен дим, леко подправен с ванилия. Финалът е дълъг и пикантен

More about this wine

Glen Moray

Glen Moray

Glenn Morey began its life as a Western brewery in Elgin, run by Robert Thorne and sons, and was converted into a two-pot distillery in 1897. After a fire and an extensive program to restore Aberlour's distillery (another company property), it was focused on the production of Aberlour whiskey, which gradually led to the closure of the Glen Moray distillery in 1910. In the 1920s, after the First World War, the distillery was purchased by the owners of Glenmorangie, the MacDonald and Muir families. In 1958, 2 additional cauldrons were installed in the distillery, thus increasing its capacity to about 2,000,000 liters per year. Today, the company is owned by La Martiniquaise, which uses part of its production in its blended Whiskey Label 5, along with its Starlaw distillery in West Lothian. The distillery was expanded again in 2012 to produce 3,300,000 liters per year, and since 2016 is the last expansion - up to about 5,500,000 liters per year.

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