Стара Сливова Ракия 12 год. Златна Долина 45% 0.7л.
Изключително комплексна ракия с много добре запазена слива във вкуса и аромата и отлична дъбова екстракция в следствие на отлежаването изразена в кафе, какао, черен шоколад, ванилия, карамел. Ароматите и вкусовете идващи от дъбовата екстракция са много добре хармонирани с вкуса и аромата на добре узряла синя слива. Ракията отваря свежест в устата и завършва с минерален и пикантен послевкус. Отличава се също така с една много интересна нотка на черна маслина. Подхожда на ядки, пура, шоколад, кафе, сухи меса, десерти, също така е и перфектен дижестив.
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Zlatna Dolina
Gvozden Ivanovic, from the village of Karan near Uzice, supplied a number of local taverns with high-quality plum brandy in the early 20th century. This production was authorized by the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and its brandy also became popular among the nobility. After the Second World War, Dimitrije Kovacevic arrived at the estate of Gvozden Ivanovic, married his daughter and continued with the production of this exceptional brandy. Today, Dragomir Kovacevic, Dimitri's son, along with his own sons, ensures that the tradition is preserved and the recipe from ancient times is still followed. Golden Valley brandy is produced from the best varieties of fruits of the highest quality in the area of Uzice. The fruits are harvested in late summer and early autumn and placed for fermentation in wooden barrels. Distillation is carried out immediately after fermentation and the brandy is aged in oak barrels. Traditional methods are used, without any chemical treatment either on the fruit or during the production process. Some of the brandies in Golden Valley are aged for years in oak barrels, which further enrich the taste of this all-natural product.
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